Saturday 17 October 2009

New Painting

Have been wanting to start painting again for a while now. Been hung up on whether it should look good? whether it should communicate something specific? if it will be fine art or illustration? commercial? it makes my head hurt and my motivation dwindle.

I heard a colleague of mine recently tell our students that creativity was as much an act of bravery than inspiration. where's the fear come from? the fear of ridicule, failure, derision?

I have tried to concentrate on the process rather than solely on the final product. i must admit, it gave me a thrill to peel off the masking tape, revealing the crisp white paper juxtaposed with the pink brushstrokes.

eh! look at me! Juxtaposed! Must be an artist now!


  1. I'm really liking the layers in that pink! looks almost edible!

  2. Cheers Andrew!still not sure about it.
